Become our partner!
Architects are not the only ones who can participate in We-Building. We are a team of about 20 committed people – partly on a project and fee basis, partly on a voluntary basis. Our expertise includes architecture, education, fundraising, communication and project management.
We welcome support in all areas – even if, as a small organization, we cannot guarantee that we will always quickly find a suitable area for you to join us. Getting into conversation is the first step. Together we will find a way.
We offer dedicated interns a friendly working environment where you can do meaningful work. During your internship at We-Building you will get an exciting insight into the non-profit sector and work in a friendly team. The tasks at We-Building are varied: from workshop preparation and support during implementation to communication in our social media channels and insights into the planning processes of an NGO, you will get to experience the whole range of our activities.
We prefer students who want to work at We-Building for at least six months as part of their mandatory internship.
Speakers / Experts
We are always looking for support for our educational workshops in the field of global learning. We are looking for speakers who have experience in education for sustainable development and are interested in workshops for children and young people in schools (elementary school, secondary school, secondary school II, vocational school students). We also offer our workshops in out-of-school settings (children’s and youth centers, festivals) and are also aimed at adults. We do not assume knowledge in the field of architecture. Our workshop concepts, the teaching materials and our teacher and speaker training courses are didactically prepared in such a way that non-specialists can follow them very well.
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Do you want to join a committed, international team and work together with us for a globally fairer world? We are looking forward to volunteer support in the areas of fundraising, communication, educational work and architecture. A desire to write, organizational skills and very good communication skills are the best prerequisites for volunteering at We-Building. As a non-profit organization with a high level of commitment and many projects, we welcome long-term support.
We are looking for contributors for a minimum of six months and at least 10 hours per week. If you would like to know in which area we are particularly looking for support, please contact us!
Companies with social responsibility
Is your company looking for a meaningful partnership with a non-profit organization? We-Building is an association of experienced architects and project managers that has been active in various countries in the Global South since 2015 and offers educational workshops in Germany. Sustainable architecture as well as people and environmentally friendly construction are the focus of our work. We are convinced that the Global North must take responsibility to ensure that climate-friendly construction and use of buildings succeeds worldwide. Are you too? Then let’s get talking!
We welcome your interest, whether you are in the construction industry or in any other sector of the economy!
What could a collaboration with We-Building look like?
– Employee engagement (e.g. participation in events organized by us)
– Long-term collaboration with us and our partner network (knowledge transfer, material or financial contributions)
– Pro bono services that would support our organization (marketing, legal, transportation, office space) or any other way that makes sense for both sides!
Architecture offices
You are an architect (employed or freelance) and would like to participate pro bono in one of our construction projects in the Global South? Or you want to participate in our consulting services for non-profit organizations pursuing construction projects in Latin America or Africa? Architectural firms that share our values can support our project on a voluntary basis. In the case of a partnership, we will assist and advise you and your architectural firm throughout the process. For this, a clearly defined project is set up, local partners are selected and a budget is defined.
Development organisations
We would like to expand our partnerships with development organizations. If you are looking for support for construction projects as part of your projects in the Global South, we look forward to working with you. You already have a presence in a certain country as well as an existing network and are planning a construction project? Or you would like to re-evaluate your last project? Then we are happy to support you! With advice on planning, budgeting, project management and construction.