Shaping a globally just future through
sustainable architecture and education

Our core values
Every person needs space to develop and the chance to live a self-determined life.
Sustainable architecture and education can create such spaces and open doors for a more socially just future.
We-Building e.V. is an association of international architects based in Berlin.
We have two focus areas:
Support with construction projects in the Global South
We support organizations active in development cooperation seeking to implement construction projects in the Global South with our consulting services. Based on the experience gained from our construction projects, we pursue sustainable approaches to planning and implementation. In recent years, we have built educational facilities in Ghana, Malawi, Colombia and Peru with our local partners.
Educational work in Germany
The building sector is a major driver of climate change. With workshops and lectures at schools and public events in Berlin, we create awareness for this problem and how buildings and their use must be designed in a globally just way.
Sustainable architecture and education can contribute to a socially, ecologically and economically fairer future!
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
We-Building’s work contributes to the achievement of goals under the Sustainable Development Goals. In order to have the most positive impact, we have decided to focus on a few specific SDGs.