
Four Classrooms in Páez-Belalcazar, Colombia

2023 – now

Belalcazar, Vitoncó, Colombia



4 Classrooms, Toilets

Design, fundraising

Fundación Catalina Muñoz, Fly&Help

Community-led approach, Local workers

Classrooms in Belalcazar, Colombia



The current elementary school building in Belalcazar does not have enough space for lessons. Some parts of the school, such as the toilets, are built from simple materials such as wood and sheet metal, and they do not meet building standards. The Nasa indigenous community are made up of an estimated 243,000 people, representing 21% of the country’s total indigenous population. They are an agricultural people with a mainly self-sufficient economy characterized by small-scale farming. In terms of education, the Nasa community currently has ethnic education and bilingual education programs that consolidate a distinct educational model that emphasizes cultural values and the exercise of autonomy.



We have begun building 4 classrooms and toilets, as well as ensure the provision of furniture to strengthen the educational processes and cultural reinforcement, with the aim that the student community and the community in general of the sector can have healthy, comfortable and adequate spaces for the teaching and learning processes of children and adolescents.


It is important to emphasize that this space will serve both the educational community of the Mesa de Belalcázar Primary School and the entire community that is part of the Vitoncó indigenous reserve. In this way, it will become a point of reference for the entire community, aimed at promoting access to new learning opportunities and the sharing of knowledge.

Proyecto Páez - Enero, 2024 (29)

The project integrates the environment as an essential part of the proposed architectural design from the outset. This decision is of utmost importance due to the close relationship that the Nasa community has with its territory and nature. For the community, land and nature are vital spaces of knowledge exchange and insight, reflecting the diversity of thought associated with their identity and cosmovision, and the project will be built in a priority area of the land on which the school is located.